Vina Nora
Nora Albarino
A playful and lively wine, characterized by its rather cool climate. Aromatic with citrus, lime, chamomile flower, and minerals from the granite subsoil as well as a fresh acid. After hand-harvesting grapes from old deposit soil over eroded granite, the must is soaked cold for six hours before a long fermentation at only 16 degrees. The wine is stored for four months with the solids from the fermentation and regular stirring. 10% is stored in oak barrels.
Sprælsk og livlig vin, præget af sit ret kølige klima. Aromatisk med citrus, lime, kamilleblomst og mineraler fra granitundergrunden samt en frisk syre.
Efter håndhøst af druer fra gammel aflejringsjord over eroderet granit udblødes mosten koldt i seks timer før en lang gæring ved kun 16 grader. Vinen lagrer fire mdr. med faststofferne fra gæringen og jævnlig omrøring. 10% lagres i egefad.
Country: Spain
Region: Rias Baixas
Winery: Vina Nora
Year: 2019
Type: White
Grapes: Albarino
Alcohol: 13,5%
Aging: Oak barrels
Closure: Cork
Winemaking: Traditional
Vina Nora is one of the slightly larger producers in Rias Baixas with 16 ha. own fields in terraces down to the river Minho. You also have grape contracts with several small growers in an area that is very divided into small plots. The property is located in the sub-area "Candado do Tea", which is the part of the Rias Baixas that is furthest away from the Atlantic Ocean and has significantly less rain than most coastal parts. As the whole area is lush, green, and quite moist, the vines are tied up pergola-like like a "roof" on high poles to ensure maximum sun exposure and less moisture. It is especially important to determine the number of leaves to remove, to give the right sun exposure to the grapes, and to choose the harvest time that is optimal for ripeness, and still avoid the autumn rains.
Vina Nora er en af de lidt større producenter i Rias Baixas med 16 ha. egne marker i terrasser ned mod floden Minho. Man har også druekontrakter med flere små dyrkere i et område, der er meget opsplittet i små parceller. Ejendommen ligger i underområdet "Candado do Tea", som er den del af Rias Baixas, der er længst væk fra Atlanterhavet og har væsentligt mindre regn end de mest kystnære dele. Da hele området er frodigt, grønt og ret fugtigt, er vinstokkene opbundet pergola-agtigt som et "tag" på høje pæle for at sikre maksimal solpåvirkning og mindre fugt. Det er især vigtigt at bestemme, hvilken mængde blade der skal fjernes, for at give den rette solpåvirkning af druerne, og at vælge det høsttidspunkt, der er optimalt for modenhed, og alligevel undgå efterårsregnen.
Albariño wine (“alba-reen-yo”) is a delightfully refreshing coastal white that grows on the Iberian Peninsula. It’s loved for its rich stone fruit flavors, a hint of salinity, and zippy acidity.
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